Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Fun

I told Glenn last night that this was one of the best weekends we have had for a long time. Nothing all that exciting happened but we were able to spend a lot of time together and that is what made it so great!

Saturday night Glenn had planned to drop the kids off at a friend's house and then get dinner and go home to watch a movie. It was so weird going home without the kids. We did have E but he slept the whole time and we were able to enjoy a movie.

After church Sunday some friends took us to lunch--yay for Chipotle! We went home and everyone took a nap--awesome. After everyone was up we went to McKinley Park for a little bit. Great time with the family!

A couple funny things that the kids have said in recent days:

At church we were doing a Bible story about Joshua crossing the Jordan River with the Israelites. There was a picture of the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant as they were stepping into the water. When Annabelle saw the picture her response was; "wa-wer, oh my!" Ruth and I were cracking up. David kept calling the Ark of the Covenant the Ark of the Sea. Too funny.

The other night David goes to Glenn and this is the following conversation:
D: Let's talk about God
G: OK, what do you want to talk about?
D: How does God "beep" my heart? (beat)
G: He just does
D: Well, how does God get in my heart?
G: You have to ask Him
D: Can I ask Him?
G: Yea, you just have to pray to Him.
They did pray together. Glenn tells me--it's good practice. I love seeing how David is becoming more and more aware of God. When we are doing Bible stories he is very intent on listening and wants all the details. He has been wanting to pray more and more. The other day when he was praying for lunch he said; "...and dear Lord, thank you for Jesus." (picture him saying it very exaggerated.)

One more funny story. When David was suppose to be going to bed last night he comes out of his room and tells me, "When you leave I get very sad."
Me: Where do I go when you get very sad?
D: Like to the gym
Another ploy to stay awake considering that I go to the gym at 5 am long before he is even awake. I am sure he misses me so much while he sleeps.

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